Air Conditioning Maintenance

/Tag: Air Conditioning Maintenance

Annandale AC Question: Why Are Cleans Filters So Important to AC Efficiency?

Your Annandale air conditioner costs money to operate – even more when it doesn't work at 100% efficiency. So, it is important to perform the various regular maintenance tasks that ensure the system uses as little electricity as possible.

Annandale AC Question: Why Are Cleans Filters So Important to AC Efficiency?2012-08-20T08:00:17+00:00

Washington DC Air Conditioning Tip: Indoor Components

Air conditioning in Washington DC on a hot day is a precious commodity, but modern technology has made it as basic in our lives as a part of most homes, businesses and the places we visit. Often taken for granted...

Washington DC Air Conditioning Tip: Indoor Components2012-06-18T08:45:36+00:00

Washington D.C. Air Conditioning Guide: Indoor Air Conditioning Components

Air conditioning is a modern convenience that we can easily take for granted as long as all the parts are working well. In every unit, no matter the size, the basic process is one of extracting heat from the conditioned space and moving it...

Washington D.C. Air Conditioning Guide: Indoor Air Conditioning Components2012-04-23T08:00:19+00:00